I am one of those people that has an over active mind. I also have an overactive imagination I am told.
At bedtime I can't just lay down and immediately go to sleep, unlike my husband,who as soon as his head hits the pillow he is out and snoring. " Oh No, not me." I lay there and my mind runs through the whole day. Everything that was said, everything I did or didn't do, everything I wanted to, but was too busy to do.
Last night my mind went to the scenario of "If I were rich". What exactly would I do if I could go anywhere anytime, and do anything?
I of course would travel the world. My Mother calls me the gypsy of the family, because I have always had a hard time staying in one place. Since I never had the money to travel like I always wished, I found myself, somehow moving to those places. Yeah, and my kids call me either "Crazy Woman or Weird". It's all in fun and I know they love me, so I take it with a grain of salt and go with it. This gypsy is finding herself too old to move so much now, and am actually wanting to stay in one place. ( I still get "traveling lust", especially in the Spring and Summer.)
I would also give to others who were less fortunate. I REALLY would. I would pick a random person from each place I traveled to and help them. I would not give them money, but I would give them something they Need.. A Car, A house to live in for a certain amount of time, until they could help themselves.
Now, here's the weird part of what I would do, or so some would probably think.
I would have a trailer just for the things I found along my route in the U.S for all the Yard Sales, Flea Markets, and Auctions to pick up all my goodies. There is no way I could stop going to all these things, because they are what I consider FUN.
The RV I would travel in would have to have enough space for me to create my "pencil shaving flowers". I would sell what I found in the same kind of places I bought from, and give the proceeds to charity.
What I do.. My Crafts, Yard Sales, Auctions, and Flea Markets are such a part of me there is no way I could ever stop doing them.
One of my dreams have always been to own a business and I have all of it in my mind. What it looks like, how it's layed out, and the name. One day I hope this dream will at least come true.
Until then, I will continue to do what I am doing now.
Below are a few of my favorite places I have been..What would you do if money were no object?
If money were no object I would also travel but I would make it my life's passion to create "Housing First" apartments for people who are currently homeless. The Housing First Model suggests that it is difficult for people to work on barriers to success such as addiction, low income, mental health, coping with trauma etc if they do not have a safe place to call home. If you give that person a place to stay then they can concentrate on other areas of their life so that they can transition into their own apartment. Shelters are no good enough. They help a lot of people but it they aren't always safe and as homelessness is on the rise it is more and more common that the shelters don't have room for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI agree Andrea. I also thought of that, and I wonder why more people that does have money doesn't do something like that.
ReplyDeleteI like what you would do and I would do something almost like you. We are planning on getting another RV and I would like to travel all around North America.
ReplyDeletelove the pics, very beautiful places. Crazy and weird just makes you more of an interesting person ;o), hopes and dreams keeps us going and motivated.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'd definitely like to help the needy too if money was no object, but I'd love to travel too!
ReplyDeleteGreat combo, Gypsy and Robin Hood-both share one thing...passion! I share your addiction to traveling...my money would go towards good causes too, and I am especially prone to ecology and animals as worthy ones!
ReplyDeleteI'd stop worrying. So much more would be able to happen!
ReplyDeleteTraveling is huge - to an island with umbrella drinks preferably right now while it's raining. I'd give more charity to animals left as orphans for their medical care, and donate to people who need funds to get shots and medical attention for their furry children.
ReplyDeleteYour favorite places are fantastic!