Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tomorrow's Halloween.. Thanksgiving is Coming

WOW, Time surely does fly.
It is already the end of the month, and Halloween is tomorrow.

Halloween was always fun when my kids were small, and I miss those times!
All kids love Halloween, and my hubby, who is a big kid still loves it.

I don't know how many of you are "Walking Dead" fans, but we are. I use to never like anything that scared me, because like a kid, I would have bad dreams afterwards.
I don't know what it is about the "Walking Dead" that captures my attention.

For Halloween where we live, there is a hay ride where you can  kill zombies with a paint gun, while riding on the back of the wagon. 
My husband, Fred, wants to go.. So I said yes.
My kids are getting a big kick out of me going to kill zombies for Halloween. They know I am a kid at heart though. Isn't that a great way to stay young?
I must have gotten that from my parents, because they are so young for 75 yr olds.
Last time we visited, my Mother went riding in the woods with all of us, on the back of their four wheeler. I want to be able to do that at 75!

We visit them every Thanksgiving, where I was raised in Ms/La
There a lots of thick woods and trails to ride through in Ms.  
I guess that's why I love being out in nature. I was basically raised tromping through woods, and  I start having nature withdrawals in the Winter. 
When we visit this year, I better get my fill, because it stays pretty much warm in the Deep South, where I was raised, but not where I am living now.
I remember one year at  Christmas it was in the 70's! 
I like snow at Christmas time though, and when I lived in Oregon, I looked forward to that time of the year, when the snow started falling, filling everything with such pristine whiteness. It made everything seem so clean and new! 

We all know how fast Christmas comes after Thanksgiving!

I will be having a sale in my Etsy shop soon for the Christmas Holiday Season,  so please be looking for it. I'm not sure yet how much I will be offering off, but there will be a great discount on everything!

The team I am on,"Promotional Frenzy Team" is giving away free prizes in a drawing at the same time, so I will be posting more on that and how you can enter. There will be LOTS of great gifts to win for Christmas!

Enjoy your Halloween, and remember to keep  your kiddies safe by making sure to check their candy before they eat it. 
It's sad we have to do that, but that is the kind of times we are living in now. 
It's best they are made aware of how to be safe. 
Let them also know their costumes need to be bright, or some kind of reflectors on them, so the traffic can see them.

The link to my  Etsy shop where I have nice vintage items, flowers  made from pencil shavings, woodwork creations and lots of various eclectic crafts is

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Look Around

Seems like Fall doesn't last very long, especially when cold weather starts coming in.
It's already 2wks into Autumn, and the cold weather is ready to "strut it's stuff"
 I had to take my plants inside today, because it's suppose to get into the 30's tonight. Can we say Brrrrr?

I'm not a cold weather person, since I was raised in the "Deep South". 

I had to get use to the Northwest cold and snow when I moved to Idaho and Oregon.
Actualy, I never did really get use to it.. I just adapted, but I love the mountains so much, that I, a "Southern Gal", raised where the heat is the main item of the day, wanted to be in the cold just for the beauty.
During that time I seem to have obtained a "Fetish" with coats though. 
I can't seem to get enough coats!
I guess it's because when I was in the Northwest, at one time, I was living in a tent in the Winter.. Yeah!
I had never been so cold in all my life.. Hence the coat fetish. I counted them last Winter, and I had over 40 coats.
Every Winter, I gather some up and give to the homeless..
Which brings me to my subject.

I may think I had it bad in the Winter, but there are people, with children living on the streets.. No coats, no warm shoes.. It breaks my heart to think of people living like that.
I then remember my many blessings.. Me with 40 coats, how could I NOT give?
So, every Winter I gather them up and try to pick out the one's I can seem to part with..
And, yes, every spring I seem to collect more!
"Is this a sickness"? LOL

Anyway,  I want to encourage you, if you have an abundance of something, please look around and see those who don't. 

Regardless of their circumstances, whether they put themselves in that situation or not, by the choices they made.. They still deserve to be warm, to have food, and good shoes.

The Salvation Army will take coats..Local churches are another good place to take them to. A lot of them have coat drives.
When we first moved here to where we live now, my husband and I just gathered some up, and took them to the homeless shelter.

 Another thing close to my heart is the Angel Tree. Around Christmas, churches and other donation places, put up a tree with children's names on it. 
You pick a name, and the child has made a list of things they need or want. You can choose what you are able to get them. 
 Take the gifts to the Angel Tree locations, and they will distribute them out at Christmas.

The nursing homes have poor aged adults, that have no one to give to them at Christmas, or even to visit with them.
 You can go to the Dollar Store and get them things they need, like socks, brushes, and lotions.. And, if you  have time, just visit and let them know someone cares. 
We will all be there one day ourselves.

Another thing my husband is doing for the homeless is getting backpacks from Yard Sales in the Summer, then filling them with tooth brushes, soaps, washcloths, deodorant etc.. We also go to the Dollar Store and get these things, so it doesn't cost much.
I know there are a lot of people that need help in other areas also.
I wish I would, and could, do more than I am doing, but we can do what we can, with what we have.
So, this Holiday Season.. Lets see who is in need, and reach out a helping hand.. Encourage others to do the same.

I have a shop on etsy Gina's Corner Crafts. 
Drop by and see what you can find for you or a loved one!
I have flowers I make from pencil shavings, vintage items, woodwork, and lots of eclectic crafts. 
I'm sure you can find something just for you. See you there!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Is My Favorite Season

WOW, It's hard to believe it's October already.
Where does the time go?
I don't know if it's just me getting older, or if time really is speeding up.
Fall is my favorite time of the year for so many reasons.

I think of when I was young growing up, and Fall meant it was time for the County Fair. My brother and I saved up all year to be able to go. I sold bottles (this was when bottles were refundable), I babysat, I cleaned yards, and when the fair came I was ready.

As I got older my children carried on the tradition. I remember the first time I went back to the fair after I was grown. It use to look so big, and I wondered why it was so small now, but my kids loved it as much as I use to.
In actuality it hadn't changed.. I had.

Fall brings back memories of candy apples, cotton candy, and of course Halloween.

I love to take walks in the Fall, and see all the leaves changing on the trees. Such  pretty colors of oranges and yellows.
A thought came to me that, Fall is when I realized that not all death is ugly. It might sound strange, but think about it.
The leaves are dying, but the colors are gorgeous during the process, and you know when Spring starts all the new leaves will start to bud, and there will be new birth.

Fall gives me renewed energy, because the weather is perfect. It's not too hot nor too cold.. It usually is a perfect temperature, cool breezes, with the night being a little chilly.
At night it makes me want to snuggle with a soft warm blanket, and cocoa. Unfortunately, Fall doesn't last long enough. 
So I plan to enjoy it while it's here...

In appreciation of my favorite time of the year, for the whole month of Oct, I am offering a 15% discount in my Etsy store on ALL items.
All you have to do at checkout is put in the code FALL2013, and Etsy will take the discount off for you.

I have pencil shaving flowers, womens/mens accessories, jewelry, home decor, nice vintage pieces, woodwork, and various eclectic crafts.
Come by and get your discount! I look forward to seeing you there..
Below are a few of  FALL colored items in my store

             The cutest life like doll holding a flower pot with "Pencil Shaving Flowers"
 A Fall leaf in orange and yellow with "Pencil Shaving Flowers"
                         A lovely Vintage Cloche hat with orange rooster feathers
                              A beautiful vintage pitcher and glasses set
                    A gorgeous "One of a Kind" black cloth box hand embellished
                            The Cutest Orange Courdory Children's Hat
                             Metal cross with a center tangerine pencil shaving flower

                                              Grapvine wood work "Pioneer" style lamp 

                      A vintage amethyst glass with Pencil Shaving Flowers and Fall Decor

                                           Country Kitchen Decor.. Roosters in cages
                                    An Old Bag Lady to put your extra plastic or paper bags in

   Visit my shop to see all the unique and eclectic crafts I  have. 
I'm sure you can  find something just for you or someone else. Now is a great time to get your Christmas shopping started!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pet Peeves and I Wonder

I want to blog about what I call "Pet Peeves", and "I Wonders"  of mine,
We all have them, and since this is my blog I can "talk them out" right?
It's your choice of course to continue reading, but I hope you will.
I would also like comments on how you feel about these things, and what are some of your "Pet Peeves and I Wonders"

For one, I wonder who dug up these minerals out of the ground and mines and  decided, "Oh, that's pretty, I think I will put an X number of dollars on this, and re sell for that amount and make a killing.
And, who decided that diamonds are worth a fortune?

I mean, they were put there for all I would think..
I guess I picture someone looking at an object, and saying.."I'm not sure what this is, but it's pretty, so I think I will benefit from it by charging others to look at it or own it.". 


This is a Pet Peeve of mine..We that work shouldn't have to pay for others that dont want to work, or doesn't try.
I understand being in need.. But, I feel there is some kind of job you CAN do to help yourself.. How about McDonalds,Wendys..Etc. These places are always hiring. I understand the need for assistance, but I'm talking about people who CAN work and don't. They just work the system, and we pay for it


I raised three kids by myself and worked three jobs. They weren't easy jobs.. Cleaning houses, working in a convenience store, and a drive through food restaurant..
I really believe no matter how hard the economy is right now, we can do what we are able to help ourselves also.
Now, I am disabled and can't work, and everday I wish I could help my husband by being in the work force.

Just to clarify, I'm not angry.. I am more curious about these things.. I guess the "I Wonders" and the "Pet Peeves" kind of go together.

I wonder who decided that atheletes and actors should make Millions, while Firefighters and Policeman who put their life on the line everyday, hardly makes enough to survive.
Granted, we ALL love sports, especially in the U.S, but is that a reason to overpay them?

What about actors, yes, they give us entertainment, and the media hypes them up, so we will all pay good money to see their movies..
I have my favorite actors, but I don't think they are worth millions!



What about all our military men who put their lives on the line everyday, leave their families, their homes and friends.
Don't they deserve just as much for all they do?


I just think a great system would be to pay fairly for the job performed.
I feel the Corporations have gotten so greedy, that they are consumed more and more by how much money they can make, at the average American's expense.

 And a very strong "Pet Peeve of mine is abuse.
Any kind of abuse. Child abuse, Spouse abuse, Animal abuse, and abuse of the Elderly.
Seems to me since drugs run rampart in our country, there is  more and more abuse problems. More murders, robberies, more crime than ever before.

Please if you see abuse, don't hesitate or be scared to report it. The most important thing is getting help for the one's being abused, and getting them out of the situation.


I love this country and I am SO glad I was born here.We have a lot to still be thankful for, and I try everyday amidst my own personal struggles, to not "dwell" on my pet peeves, or my problems
I try to remember all the different ways I have been blessed.

I just wish our country would be more equal in pay, and somehow we could control all the drugs here.

It seems most of us are all struggling with something in our lives. Loss of jobs, illness, loss of family members and loved ones,..

I don't know what anyone's personal beliefs are, and that is your business.. But, I have to speak up and let everyone know..
I could not have made it through everything I have been through (And it's been a lot!) without a "Heavenly Father" above, who reassures me it's just temporary here, and there is a better place waiting for me.
He has consoled me, given me peace when I needed it the most, answered so  many prayers, and yes, some prayers he hasn't answered the way I wanted.. But, I know he has plans for me that I don't understand.

Lets all reach out to others we know who are struggling, and lend a hand, a kind word, a smile..It might make someones day and help them through..
And, laugh everyday at something, even if it's yourself!
Laughter soothes..

I have a shop on Etsy where I sell my flowers I make from pencil shavings, nice vintage pieces, woodworking creations, and various eclectic crafts.
I can promise you what I have won't cost a fortune, and I know you will find something just for you or someone you know.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Being Southern

I was born in the Deep South..Meaning La/Ms area.
Both my grandparents were originally from Ms, and so was my parents.
I was raised in a small town which bordered Mississippi. All I had to do was cross this small bridge from La, into Ms.
I feel I was raised in both areas, and I grew up with people from both States.

It was kind of strange, because the Mississippi boys and girls, didn't get along with the Louisiana ones. I was accepted by both, and felt in the middle of all the arguments that happened, especially on the weekends.

I moved out of the South in 1990 into Idaho, then five years later into Oregon. No ONE ever leaves their family in the South to move as far as I did.
Every time I went back to visit I would hear, "GIRL you need to move home, Whatcha doing in the North anyway, your not a Yankee.."

Recently after 17yrs I moved to Kentucky trying to get closer to my Mother, whom I thought was in worse health than she is. Thankfully, even though she has numerous heart problems she is doing very well, and sometimes I think it was a "ploy" to get me back closer. *Smile*

My heart is still in Idaho and Oregon, and I want to move back so badly. I love being around the Mts and all the clear streams, where you can see to the bottom, and the beautiful waterfalls.
After being raised around Swamps and the Muddy Misssissippi, I was totally fascinated with such beautiful clear water.

I have family there as well as in the South, especially my youngest daughter, who knows she has Southern Blood (as we say), feels she is more from the North West area..Also, my husbands only child is in Oregon, as is his only grandchild.

When I first moved to the Northwest, they didn't understand  ONE word I was saying. I can't count how many times I was asked WHAT, or WHAT does that  mean?

I collected a few Southern Slang and Meanings, and I think when I do move back, I am going to print off pages and pass them out LOL..
Here are a few.. If you've never been around us Southerners this will help you..
And, NO the actors on Tv doesn't really sound like us. A few is originally from the south ,and they can pull that Southern Accent out, when they are acting.. 
I didn't even know I had an accent until I moved to the Northwest.

Mark Twain once wrote: "Southerners talk music!" Yes, indeed, there's no "language" more musical 

Here are a few..

 Gussied up – cleaned up and dressed very nicely (perhaps formally)

Hissy  Fit..Apparently I threw a lot of these when I was young.. I can still hear my Mother tell me, "Quit throwin a Hissy Fit.

Kaniption Fit.. These are worse than Hissy Fits.. If your being extra bad,  you are now throwing a Kanipition Fit...

A hankerin’ for – a desire/craving for

High cotton – wealthy; successful (and maybe snobby)

When someone was doing well for themselves, they were referred as living in High Cotton.

honky-tonk – a bar, perhaps where country music is played live for folks to dance

This brings back memories of when I was young. Our parents would leave us with our grandparents on the weekends, and they would tell us, "We're going Honky Tonkin..

kin/kinfolk – family, especially extended family

knee-high to a grasshopper – very young and small, as in, “The last time I saw you, you were knee-high to a grasshopper, and look how grown-up you are now!”

lick – (noun) any amount at all, usually used in negative sentences such as, “I didn’t get a lick of work done today because my boss kept calling me in for meetings.” (verb) To beat up, as in, “I licked him good that time.”

mash – to press or push, as in, “Mash that green button and turn on the computer.”

ornery – difficult to deal with; stubborn; finicky

reckon – suppose, guess, as in, “I reckon we’ll see you at the reunion.
My husband still uses this word wrong, as many times as he's heard me say it lol.

skedaddle – to leave hurriedly
snug as a bug (in a rug) – very comfortable

tore up – broken/destroyed, as in, “I came home to find the curtains all tore up,” or, “My knee has been tore up since that skiing accident back in ’93.”

Loafin: Going somewhere not important, just doing something
My husband didn't understand this either. One day my Mother called, and she asked my husband, "What Y'all doing?" We were sitting at the house and he told her, "Just Loafin" She said, "Where are you, and he said home".. I thought she was going to bust a gut laughing! At least my husband makes my Mother laugh a lot

uppity – snobby

Used to could – used to be able to, as in, “I can’t do a cartwheel any more, but I used to could.”
We always put it together like this Ustacould.. One word..

varmint – an animal (usually wild)

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. – an expression of surprise, shock and/or disbelief

y’all – a contraction of you + all. This is the informal 2nd person plural in Southern English.

yankee – a person from the North

younguns – young people

Darn tootin'
Function: Colloquialism
For sure. Correct. "You're darn tootin', that is oil.

Function: Verb
To calculate, consider, conclude or decide. Example: "He hadn't figured on winning the lottery

Feit to be tied
Function: Colloquialism

Function: Verb
To get set : be on the verge Example: We're fixin' to leave soon.
Function: Noun
Customary accompaniments. Example: We had a turkey dinner with all the fixins

When I lived in the Northwest, they were always asking me, "What does fixin mean?"

I'm fixin' to go down the road a piece (I'm going down the road for a short distance.)

My Mother was trying to tell my husband (Who is from Mi) directions to her house, and she told him to go down the road a piece. When he got off the phone he asked  me, "How far is a piece". When I told my Mother this she thought it was hilarious!

 Well, I'll just swaney! (Well, I'll be darned.)

My Mother still says this, and once in a while I catch myself doing the same. Once again I had to explain this to my husband.

Don't go off with your pistol half cocked. (Don't get mad unless you have all the facts.

I'll knock you so hard you'll see tomorrow today. (You're gonna get it!)

 Dumb as a bucket of rocks. (Pretty dumb)

 Sunday go-to-meetin' clothes (best dress)

When we went to Ms to visit my Step Dad's family, who live out in the middle of nowhere..One of the boys came out in his nice shirt, and the sister said "Mama, he's in is Sunday go to meetin clothes... I was young at the time and I laughed..I still smile when I think about this.

Well he/she's just down rite sorry. (person not well thought of or respected)

It's no skin off my nose if he wants to do that." (Meaning it does not matter to me or is none of our business.)

* And here's the one a kid really hates to hear:
Oh Boy! My Mom always made us cut a switch off of a bush in our front yard. Of course we picked the smallest one we could find. Before she would even "Switch" me, I would run out of the house into the front yard yelling, "No Mother NO!" She would say, "Hush! the neighbors are think I'm trying to kill you".. Most of the time this worked really well..

I wouldn't trade being raised a Southerner for anything! 
People have so many misconceptions about us, but one thing we will always have is Southern Pride!









I have a shop on Etsy where I sell hand turned flowers from pencil shavings, nice vintage items, handmade woodwork creations, and various eclectic crafts.
Take a look, I'm sure you can find something special for you~!
                                     "Southern Made"

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Laughter The Best Medicine

It's said, "Laughter is the best medicine" and I firmly believe this.
Laughter can put you in a lighter mood, when things aren't going well.
Some studies have shown, people with illness when they watch comedies daily, recover faster.

This is from Cancer Center of America

What is laughter therapy?

We were born with the gift of laughter. Laughter is a natural medicine. It lifts our spirits and makes us feel happy. Laughter is a contagious emotion. It can bring people together. It can help us feel more alive and empowered.

Laughter therapy, also called humor therapy, is the use of humor to promote overall health and wellness. It aims to use the natural physiological process of laughter to help relieve physical or emotional stresses or discomfort.
Research supporting laughter therapy

A growing body of research supports the theory that laughter may have therapeutic value.

For years, the use of humor has been used in medicine. Surgeons used humor to distract patients from pain as early as the 13th century. Later, in the 20th century, came the scientific study of the effect of humor on physical wellness. Many credit this to Norman Cousins. After years of prolonged pain from a serious illness, Cousins claims to have cured himself with a self-invented regimen of laughter and vitamins. In his 1979 book Anatomy of an Illness, Cousins describes how watching comedic movies helped him recover.

Over the years, researchers have conducted studies to explore the impact of laughter on health. After evaluating participants before and after a humorous event (i.e., a comedy video), studies have revealed that episodes of laughter helped to reduce pain, decrease stress-related hormones and boost the immune system in participants.

Today more than ever before, people are turning to humor for therapy and healing. Medical journals have acknowledged that laughter therapy can help improve quality of life for patients with chronic illnesses. Many hospitals now offer laughter therapy programs as a complementary treatment to illness.
The healing power of laughter

For people living with cancer, it may seem strange to find humor when facing such serious issues. Yet, laughter can be helpful in ways you might not have realized or imagined.

Laughter can help you feel better about yourself and the world around you. Laughter can be a natural diversion. When you laugh, no other thought comes to mind. Laughing can also induce physical changes in the body. After laughing for only a few minutes, you may feel better for hours.

When used in addition to conventional cancer treatments, laughter therapy may help in the overall healing process.

According to some studies, laughter therapy may provide physical benefits, such as helping to:

    Boost the immune system and circulatory system
    Enhance oxygen intake
    Stimulate the heart and lungs
    Relax muscles throughout the body
    Trigger the release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers)
    Ease digestion/soothes stomach aches
    Relieve pain
    Balance blood pressure
    Improve mental functions (i.e., alertness, memory, creativity)

Laughter therapy may also help to:

    Improve overall attitude
    Reduce stress/tension
    Promote relaxation
    Improve sleep
    Enhance quality of life
    Strengthen social bonds and relationships
    Produce a general sense of well-being

These are a few things that make me laugh..

My four children when they are all together is a natural "comedy team" they keep me in laughter. Unfortunately, we can't get together but once a year, but I savor that time.


Three of my children,Tecia my oldest daughter, Blake on the left, my youngest son, and Cory my oldest son
Me and my two daughters. My youngest of the family, Karissa on the left, and Tecia the oldest.

My husband makes me laugh all the time. He wakes up in a good mood, which I on the other hand, am "Ms Grump" in the mornings, until I am fully awake. But, he has the ability to make me laugh anytime.

No, he has no shame LOL! We were setting up for a Yard Sale and he found this lovely pink flower.

My pet who I refer to my "Doggie Daughter", Cookie,makes both of us laugh everyday! She is part Lab and part Brittany Spaniel. She has big floppy ears, and tiny short legs, but looks like a lab.
We have this game when my husband comes in. He will come over and kiss me and say, "Hello Mama, and I say Awww "Hello Daddy". I have sworn I am going to take a video, because it sounds just like she is saying Hello!

My favorite shows and movies are comedies, and my favorite comedian is Robyn Williams. I think he is so fast and quick witted, and I just adore him.
All my friends who I connect with the most, have a great sense of humors.
I can also laugh at myself when the occasion arises..
I will tell you one story of when I have laughed at myself.

I was looking for a job when I lived in Idaho, and I went to a company that I really wanted to be hired on with.
I went into the office, talked to the interviewer, and she seemed like she was interested in hiring me.
She gave me an application to fill out, so I went to the desk that I was told to sit and fill the application out.
I could see everyone in the office, for they were all on phones, and they could see me.
As I went to sit down,the rolling chair rolled out from under me, and I landed on my bottom HARD.
I started laughing and I couldn't stop. Not ONE person in that whole room laughed. Come On! If I had seen someone do that, even if I were on the phone talking, I would have burst out laughing right there..
I sat back down in the chair, carefully this time I might add, and the whole time I was trying to finish filling out the application, I would burst out  laughing.. I still laugh when I think about it.
Needless to say, I didn't get the job.
My son told me, "No wonder you didn't get the job Mother, they probably thought you were NUTS". I decided I wouldn't want to work at a company where no one had a sense of humor anyway.


What about you, what makes you laugh and have you laughed at yourself?

Be sure to visit my Etsy shop Gina's Corner CraftsI probably don't have anything that will make you laugh, but I have a few items that will cause you to smile.
I have pencil shaving flowers, handcrafted woodworking creations, nice vintage items, and various eclectic crafts.